Joseph Maraziti Honored with Life Member Award at the AEA NJ March Mid Year Meeting

Maraziti Falcon is excited to announce that the Association of Environmental Authorities of New Jersey (AEA) honored Founding Partner Joseph Maraziti with a Life Member Award at its March Mid-Year meeting.
Joe has persistently championed the cause of the AEA and its goals related to public bodies, water, waste water, solid waste, privatization, redevelopment and resiliency. His professionalism and leadership, and strong commitment to “do the right thing,” is evidenced in his work on the AEA Ethics Committee, where he currently serves as Chair. Joe has served on the Ethics Committee from its inception and in 2016 assisted in the formation of a model code of conduct that remains in use today.
Joe has always encouraged and supported active participation in the AEA, and on many of AEA’s committees, and has participated in numerous seminars on issues regarding applicable regulations and compliance and enforcement issues in conjunction with the AEA. With decades of experience in legal issues related to infrastructure and the environment, he was appointed by Governor Whitman to serve as the Chair of the State Planning Commission, which adopted the State Development and Redevelopment Plan. Joe became an active leader and driving force in the redevelopment arena where he continues to pursue his passion to ensure that quality of life in New Jersey is protected and enhanced for all.
Congrats Joe and thank you for all you do for the NJ environmental professional community!
Joseph J. Maraziti, Jr. represents both public and private sector clients in regulatory, transactional and litigation matters having local and national significance involving environmental and redevelopment issues. He has many years of experience representing public sector clients throughout New Jersey in redevelopment projects, condemnation, land use, real estate transactions and litigation in federal and state courts. He is well-versed in redevelopment law.