On March 20, 2019, the Township of Carneys Point approved a Redevelopment Agreement designating Courses Landing URE, LLC as the redeveloper for the construction of an approximate 1.2 million square foot cross-docked distribution center with 151 loading docks and parking spaces that will accommodate 286 tractor trailers and 862 passenger vehicles, as well as improvements at the instruction of Courses Landing Road (CR 628) and NJ Route 40. The project schedule provides for completion of construction by July, 2020.
On August 5, 2019, the Township of Carneys Point approved a Redevelopment Agreement designating Harding HWY, LLC as the redeveloper for the construction of an approximate 400,000 square foot cross-docked distribution center with 171 loading docks and parking spaces that will accommodate 270 passenger vehicles. The project schedule provides for completion of construction by November, 2020.